In the mindset of every indoctrinated JWS there is put in the suggestion that the JWS is the only true religion
guided by god's holy spirit. Its the very reason why when a JW asks about a certain person is he or she in " The Truth " ?
When that structured belief gets broken apart its a tail spinning experience, which for a person that was situated at the top
of this belief system, must have developed an enormous amount of emotional turmoil. Acclimating the fact that he was tossed out
of closely devised social environment, lost all his prestige and personal stature that he had obtained, then its not unreasonable
to perceive that he really had something to express and get off his chest.
Hey I'm sure he's written his books to sell and make some money off them, but also to tell his story
of his own life with an organization that wasn't really telling " The Truth " after all, can't really fault a guy for doing that can we now ?